Our Products
Synthagate is a tool for the design of Control and Data Path Intensive Systems with very complex Control Units containing numerous inputs and outputs. Read more...
Our fast Logic Synthesis of FSM and combinational circuits reduces the circuit area of very complex Finite state machines and combinational circuits by as much as 50%, Read more...

Productivity vs. Capability
Synthagate's Mission
To close this gap by increasing designer productivity with new High Level Synthesis tools.

We cover most Digital Systems
applications from DSP to Processing Units.
Design your digital system with Synthagate within days!
Innovative High level design
Automated Control Unit Design
Automated Data Path Design
Very Fast Runtime
Unique Logic Design
Correct by Construction Synthesis
Circuit area Reduction
Multiple Design Versions
Easier Design
Full Automation
Design Flow in Synthagate

Draw or write your algorithms
There is no need for hardware description languages with Synthagate.
Not only hardware designers, but designers of algorithms can use Synthagate for hardware design at the High level and Register transfer levels.