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Synthagate HLS & RTL

From Algorithm to Digital System:

HLS and RTL tool Synthagate in Digital System Design


by Samary Baranov

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This book is about how to use the Synthagate tool for the design of complex digital systems at the High Level and Register Transfer Level. Specifically, it demonstrates how to use Synthagate through the design of a processor to showcase the potential of Synthagate. The main difference between Synthagate and other design tools is that the designer is not required to use hardware description languages. Instead, Synthagate uses Algorithmic State Machines (ASMs) at the different steps of design. Synthagate covers most digital system designs from DSP to Processing Units. This tool can be used in the design of robots, controllers, processors, IoT & AI systems, video and voice processing systems, digital systems for automated and autonomous cars, et cetera. Read more.


High Level Synthesis of Digital Systems:

For Data Path and Control dominated systems


by Samary Baranov

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The tremendous achievements in chip technology allow to produce chips with hundreds of millions of gates. At the same time, the design technology of such circuits has only slightly improved in the last ten years, especially at the highest system level. The traditional digital system design flow contains the manual creation of system description at the Register Transfer Level (hereafter RTL) with Verilog or VHDL code. The only possibility to reduce the gap between future technological capability and the lagging designer productivity is to raise the design from the current RTL to the algorithmic or behavior level, i.e. to High Level Synthesis (HLS). Read more.

Finite State Machines and Algorithmic State Machines:

Fast and Simple Design of Complex Finite State Machines


by Samary Baranov

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This book is about Algorithmic State Machines (ASMs) and Finite State Machines (FSMs). It provides techniques for the design of very complex control units of digital systems with hardly any constrains on their size – namely the number of inputs, outputs and states. The models, method and algorithms described in the book can be applied to the to a broad class of digital system design problems including design of complex controllers, robots, microprocessors, communication devices and for designing CAD systems of digital systems with ASIC and FPGA technologies. Read more.

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